Family & Pastoral Support
A strong, stable and loving family network provides a foundation for all family members to flourish and fulfil their potential. As a school we want to support our families and community in any way that we can.
However, many families will face difficulties at some time and some have multiple complex needs. Our Pastoral Team are here to support you and can offer a variety of support and advice, including signposting to other services or agencies that could help. This could include parenting support, managing children's behaviours, divorce and separation, housing issues, debt, mental health and emotional wellbeing, domestic abuse and many more.
Our Pastoral Team
Learning and Equalities Champion & Leader of Extended Services : Steve Crosthwaite
Deputy Headteacher: Jenn Findlay
Family Support & Attendance Advisor: Melanie Rye
SENDCo & Thrive Champion: Leanne Pearson
School Counsellor: Carrie Coggon
The Pastoral Team can be contacted through the school office, or by filling in the contact form below. Your message will be allocated to the most appropriate member of staff, who will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you are concerned about the immediate safety of yourself or others call 999.
If you think a child or young person is at risk, being abused or neglected, contact Newcastle Children's Social Care team on 0191 2772500.
Every year, one in four of us will experience a mental health problem. At Hotspur we believe that no one should have to face a mental health problem alone.
As a school we want to support members of our community to find the right support when it is needed. We have all been through an incredibly tough period during the pandemic; no one should ever feel ashamed because of a mental health problem.
Our Pastoral Team are here to help. Supportive and reliable information can have a huge impact on people's wellbeing, we have included some useful links to organisations that can support and offer advice around mental health.